Publications on TechNet
TechNet is a very large technology semantic network. It consists of over 4 million technology-related terms and pairwise semantic relations between them. The terms are retrieved from unstructured texts in over 6 million U.S. patents from 1974 to date. These terms represent technological concepts regarding functions, components, materials, configurations or working mechanisms. Their pairwise semantic relations are calculated using a word embedding model and indicate the technical relevance between technological concepts. TechNet outperforms Google Knowledge Graph, WordNet and ConceptNet for knowledge retrieval, inference and represention tasks in the context of engineering and technology (1,2). TechNet is a digital knowledge infrastructure to support a wide range of engineering knowledge-based AI applications, technical language processing and engineering text analysis (3, 4, 5, 6). TechNet is freely accessible through open API. TechNet word embeddings are downloadable here.
Construction of TechNet
TechNet: Technology Semantic Network Based On Patent Data
Serhad Sarica, Jianxi Luo, Kristin Wood
Expert Systems with Applications, 142, 112995, 2020. Preprint, Database, API, Web PortalSemantic Networks for Engineering Design: State of the Art and Future Directions
Ji Han, Serhad Sarica, Feng Shi, Jianxi Luo
Journal of Mechanical Design (SI: AI and Engineering Design), 144(2): 020802, 2022. Preprint, VideoTechNet 2.0: Expanding Technology Semantic Network with Qualitative Relations to Enhance Reasoning Capabilities
Serhad Sarica, Jianxi Luo
10th Conference on Design Computing and Cognition (DCC), Glasgow, UK, July 4-6, 2022. Preprint, VideoApplications of TechNet
Design Representation as Semantic Networks
Serhad Sarica, Ji Han, Jianxi Luo
Computers in Industry, Minor Revision & Resubmission, 2022Idea Generation with Technology Semantic Network
Serhad Sarica, Binyang Song, Jianxi Luo, Kristin Wood
Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 35(3), 2021, 265-283. PreprintGuiding Data-Driven Design Ideation by Knowledge Distance
Jianxi Luo, Serhad Sarica, Kristin Wood
Knowledge-Based Systems, 218, 106873, 2021. PreprintDesign Knowledge Representation With Technology Semantic Network
Serhad Sarica, Jianxi Luo
International Conference on Engineering Design(ICED21), Gothenburg, Sweden. 2021. Preprint, Slides
Engineering Knowledge Graph for Keyword Discovery in Patent Search
Serhad Sarica, Song Binyang; En Low, Jianxi Luo
International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED19), Delft, Netherlands, 2019
Technology Knowledge Graph for Design Exploration: Application to Designing the Future of Flying Cars
Serhad Sarica, Binyang Song, Jianxi Luo
ASME IDETC/CIE - Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Anaheim, CA, 2019